Tjena allihopa, Blunk här
Tjena allihopa, Blunk här! :)
Ikväll kommer Vampire Diaries som säkert dom flesta som läser denna blogg vet :P
Vilken karaktär är bäst i Vampire Diaries???!
Själv tycker jag så klart Damon! :D
Bra scen från Säsong2 Episode1
Elena: Oh Gods, You scared me.
Damon: Just doing my part in the neighberhood while.
Elena: Huh... Thanks for looking after us.. for me
Damon: That's me, trusted body guard
Elena: Have you been drinking? And your upset that's not a good companition
Damon: No i'm not upset, upset is an emotion especially for those who cares.
Elena: Come on, Damon, It's a lie , you care.
Damon: Your'e surprised i thought you kiss me back. You can't imagine that i belived you wanted to.
Elena: Damon..
Damon: B- But what we were doing here, means something..., your'e the liar Elena. There's something going on between the to of us, and you know it. And Your'e lying to me, and your'e lying to Stefan. And most of all your'e lying to yourself. I can prove it. (Damon kisses Elena)
Elena: Damon don't! What's wrong whit you?!
Damon: Your'e lying about this.
Elena: Stop it, Your'e better than this come on.
Damon: That's where your'e wrong.
Elena: No, No Damon I care about you listen to me, i care about you. I do But i love Stefan. It's always gonna be Stefan.
Det e synd om Damon :( :( :(
Okej det va väll allt! KOm ihåg Vampire Diaries ikväll ;)